Saturday, 5 January 2008

Prostitution - Yet more criminalisation

Harriet Harman's latest foray into the area is a proposal to identify where women are being trafficked, and criminalise men who pay for sex in those places (I can't help falling back on that old canard that people like Harriet would really rather men just didn't pay for sex -which they have always done, for a variety of sexual, social and political reasons - rather than actually try to create a safe environment for it to occur, but that's another argument). A number of flaws in her plan, and solutions to the actual problem identified, spring easily to mind:

1) If they know where there are trafficked women, they should give them money to either get a taxi and air fare home, or to set themselves up in the UK independent of the sex trade.

2) If they know the women have been trafficked, they must have some idea who the traffickers are. In which case, arrest them. It is already a crime.

3) DON'T MAKE ANY MORE LAWS! Everything that should be already is a crime; Labour have introduced more laws in ten years than were passed in the previous 100. Why do they feel the need to be 'doing something'? And, in spite of these new laws, does anybody feel any safer? Even further 'and', our prisons are absolutely full to bursting, with more being built. Are we really more evil than ten years ago (and if we are, the implications for the Government are pretty dire, as it's been on their watch) or is it just a case of 'create more crimes, create more criminals'; as I've mentioned elsewhere, this is so far to the right of where they started that it's amazing they're not voted out of power, and kicked around the streets for their craven-ness....

(photo: didbygraham at Flickr)

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